Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are Roman Catholic parishioners, in good standing with the Church, who are commissioned by the Bishop or Pastor to assist the Priest in distributing the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Christ during the holy celebration of Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are also given the privilege of bringing Holy Communion to the homebound, hospital patients and nursing home residents.
Proper formation to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is accomplished through an individual instruction session given by a priest, deacon or appointed designee. Upon completion of training, the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will be commissioned and placed on the weekly Mass schedule.
Requirements for participating in this ministry are the following:
. must be a registered member of St. Theresa parish;
. must have received the sacrament of Confirmation;
. must have reached their 16th birthday;
. should distinguish himself/herself by living a sound Christian life through faith and
. strive to be worthy of the ministry;
. cultivate a deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist;
. serve as an example of piety and reverence for this Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
If you feel the desire to serve in this special ministry, please call the Parish
Administrative Office 609-296-2504, Ext. 232, for more information.