The Parish of St. Theresa’s Children’s Faith Formation Program is structured around and within the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Every lesson, presentation and liturgical service experienced by the Student and their Families are defined most readily in the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church.
It is within the Roman Catholic Church that the student and their family, in communion with all the baptized, fulfills their vocation and Christian Disciples of Jesus Christ. From the Church the student and their family receive the Word of God containing the teachings of "the law of Christ."
From the Church, they receive the grace of the sacraments that sustains them in their Discipleship. From the Church they learn the example of holiness. From the Church they learn the spiritual tradition and long history of the saints who have gone before us.
In the Church, the student and their family discover the source of a Moral Life. Within the Church, the Body of Christ, they are formed and in the experience the Celebration of the Eucharist they celebrate the sacraments, prayer and teachings which join them to the grace of Christ.
In its efforts to enlighten and sustain all Roman Catholics, the Church has established Five Precepts which serve as a guide for a moral life.
These Five Precepts are obligatory, which means they must be followed under the penalty of Sin. They are established to be positive laws decreed by the Roman Catholic Church to guarantee to the faithful the very necessary minimum required in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor.
The Precepts of the Roman Catholic Church are as follows:
1. You shall attend Mass on the Weekend and Holy Days of Obligation and rest from servile labor.
This precept requires the faithful to sanctify the day commemorating the Resurrection of the Lord as well as the principal liturgical feasts honoring the mysteries of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the saints; in the first place, by participating in the Eucharistic celebration, in which the Christian community is gathered, and by resting from those works and activities which could impede such a sanctification of these days.
2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year.
This precept ensures preparation for the Eucharist by the reception of the sacrament of reconciliation, which continues Baptism's work of conversion and forgiveness.
3. You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season.
This precept guarantees as a minimum the reception of the Lord's Body and Blood in connection with the Paschal feasts, the origin and center of the Christian liturgy.
4. You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.
This precept ensures the times of penance which prepare us for the liturgical feasts and help us acquire mastery over our instincts and freedom of heart.
5. You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church.
This precept means that the faithful are obliged to assist with the material and financial needs of the Church, each according to his own ability. The Parish of St. Theresa Administration anticipates that all families with children registered in the Children’s Faith Formation Program will adhere to the Five Precepts of the Church.
Mass Attendance:
As noted above the First Precept of the Church is “You shall attend Mass on the Weekend and Holy Days of Obligation”. The Parish of St. Theresa Administration requires that all children enrolled in our Children’s Faith Formation Program attend Mass on the Weekend and Holy Days of Obligation. This requirement is considered an interlocking responsibility with Class Attendance.
Every student enrolled in the Parish of St. Theresa Children’s Faith Formation Program is given Weekly Offering Envelopes designed specifically for Children. The student is to place this offering envelope in the collection basket at the Mass they attend on the Weekend or Holy Day of Obligation. It is not necessary for the Student to place any money in these envelops but we suggest they do contribute some small amount so they begin to understand the Fifth Precept of the Church “You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church”.
This envelope is specifically designed to inform the Director of the Children’s Faith Formation Program that the student has attended Mass. If the envelopes are not received it will be assumed that the student did not attend Mass.
When the student has missed 3 unexcused consecutive Masses, the Parent or Guardian will be asked to meet with the Director of the Children’s Faith Formation Program to explain the student’s lack of attendance. If the student is not attending Mass on a regular basis, they will be dismissed from the Parish of St. Theresa Children’s Faith Formation Program.
If a student is not in the Parish on the Weekend or on Holy Days of Obligation, they are to bring a Church Bulletin signed by a priest from that parish as an indication that they have attended Mass as required. Family members or Guardian are not to place the envelope in the basket when the student is not present.
It is imperative that all students in the Parish of St. Theresa Children’s Faith Formation Program attend Mass on the Weekend and Holy Days of Obligation as class presentations are planned around the scripture readings and Liturgical celebration at those Masses.
Class Attendance:
The Parish of St. Theresa is directed by the standards set for Parish Religious Education Programs by the Diocese of Trenton. These standards dictate each child is allowed 3 excused absences for the academic year.
Attendance will be taking at every class. If your child is absent for any reason from class, you are required to call the Children’s Faith Formation Office or send a note with your child upon their returning to class stating the reason for their absence.
This includes all Prayer Services or Masses you child is required to attend. It is your responsibility to see that your child completes that day’s assignment. If your child has 3 unexcused absences you will be required to meet with the Director of Faith Formation to discuss the absences.
If your child has more than 3 unexcused absences, your child will be automatically dropped from the dropped from the Children’s Faith Formation Program of the Parish of St. Theresa.
Arrival & Departure:
When bringing your child to the Parish of St. Theresa Faith Formation Center you are to park in the parking lots on either side of the building and bring your child into the Gathering Space of the Faith Formation Center.
For safety reasons, no vehicles are permitted to park in the driveways or in the circle in front of the building at any time.
t is expected that you child will arrive in their designated class room promptly for class and that you or your adult designate will pick them up at the designated dismissal time in the Faith Formation Center Gathering Space. For safety reason, no child will be allowed to leave the Faith Formation Center at any time without you or your adult designate.
Early Dismissal:
Early dismissals from class are not allowed except for an emergency. If your child is involved in extracurricular activities which conflict with the designated class times you as their parent will need to resolve the conflict with those in charge of their extracurricular activity.
We approach the Religious Formation of your child in the same manner as their Secular Education. Attendance is required for your child to progress to the next grade level. Any early dismissal attempts for extracurricular activities will be handled as an unexcused absence.
Emergency Closing:
All Religious Education Classes at the Parish of St. Theresa will be cancelled when the local elementary schools cancel their afterschool activities. All closings of the Religious Education Classes at the Parish of St. Theresa will be posted on the Parish of St. Theresa website
Additionally, a message regarding all closings of the Religious Education Classes at the Parish of St. Theresa will be on the Parish telephone system and will be announced on area radio stations.
Safe Environment Program:
Following the dictates of the Diocese of Trenton, the Pastor and Administration of the Parish of St. Theresa operates and strictly adheres to the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Charter for the protection of all children and young people. In Article 12 of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Charter it states that the Pastor and Administration of the Parish of St. Theresa must establish and maintain a safe environment for all children.
All Administrative Members and Volunteers of the Parish of St. Theresa who are in contact with children up to the age 19 on a regular basis are fully processed through the State of New Jersey background check process.
All Administrative Members and Volunteers of the Parish of St. Theresa who are in contact with children up to the age 19 on a regular basis are issued and required to wear an identification badge at all times when on the premises or in any facility located on the premise of the Parish of St. Theresa. Thus, no unauthorized persons will be allowed in the Faith Formation Center when your children are present for their Faith Formation classes.
Fire and Evacuation Drills:
The Administration of the Parish of St. Theresa has established with the local Fire and Police Departments a plan for the safe evacuation of the Faith Formation Center should the need arise.
These plans have been review with the Administrators and Catechist of the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program. These procedures will be reviewed with all the children attending the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program and Fire and Evacuation Drills will be held to ensure the safety of everyone.
Catechist, Aides and Volunteers:
The Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Catechists, Aides, and Volunteers are Roman Catholic and members in good standing of the Parish of St. Theresa.
Each Catechist, Aide, and Volunteer is reviewed and approved by the Pastor of the Parish of St. Theresa. These good men and women voluntarily give of the time to share their faith in the formation process of your child.
The Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Catechists are required to complete specific courses though the Diocese of Trenton to be certified to teach in our Religious Education Program.
Dress Code:
All students attending the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program are expected to be dress appropriately at all times. The following will not be permitted and will result in your child not being admitted to their class with an unexcused absence:
All students in the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program are expected to listen, cooperate with others and use appropriate choices to solve their problems.
A Parent or Guardian registering a child in the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program must be registered parishioners of Parish of St. Theresa.
Registration of new students must be done in person by the child’s Parent or Guardian with the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program Director.
A new student Registration Form must be accompanied by the appropriate Registration Fee and a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate if Baptism took place in a parish other than the Parish of St. Theresa.
Registration Forms for Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program for the next academic year will be distributed during the last two weeks of class to all students.
Completed Registration Forms are to be returned to the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program Director by mail or in person accompanied by the appropriate Registration Fee.
No child will be denied admittance to the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program because of their Parents or Guardians inability to pay the prescribed Registration Fee.
If a child’s Parent of Guardian is experiencing true financial hardships they are to contact the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program Director or the Pastor of the Parish of St. Theresa to discuss payment options.
Transfer Policy:
The Diocese of Trenton requires that Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program retain a Permanent Religious Education Record for each student in Religious Education Program.
In the event that a child moves out of the Parish of St. Theresa, a copy of the Permanent Religious Education Record for that child will be sent to their new parish at the request of the child’s Parent of Guardian.
If a child is transferring into the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program Religious Education Program from another parish, the child’s Parent of Guardian must first register themselves and the child in Parish of St. Theresa.
The Parent or Guardian must then register the child in the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program and make arrangements for the child’s Permanent Religious Education Record be forwarded to the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program Director from their previous parish.
Transfer students are accepted in the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program all year-round with records from another parish.
Special Needs Students:
The Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program incorporates reading, writing, answering questions and learning new concepts as part of a child’s formation process. The standards and expectations for the Religious Education
Programs are based on the age and grade level of the student as would be found in a secular academic environment. In order for every child to function at their best, the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program Director and Catechist need to know if a child has a specific disability so as to cater a specific Religious Education Program which meets to ability and needs of the child.
Should a Parent or Guardian not disclose specifics about a child’s special needs, the child will be expected to preform and behave as any other child in that grade level.
Our experience has shown that most of our special needs students within Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program have been very successful in a class room setting right beside non-special needs students.
If for some reason however a child cannot adapt to the standards and expectations of the religious Education Program at a certain grade level, the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program Director will work together with the child and their Parent of Guardian to create a curriculum that be more appropriate for that child.
Special Health Needs:
If a child in the Parish of St. Theresa Children’s Faith Formation Program requires medication for asthma, an epi-pen or insulin during class time or in the event of an emergency, the Parent or Guardian must insure the child has this medication on their person each time they attend their Religious Education class.
In the case of epi-pen or inhalers, arrangements can be made with the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program Director to store these items in the Directors Office in case of an emergency.
A Parent’s or Guardian’s participation in the Parish of St. Theresa Children’s Faith Formation Program is essential for the successful Religious Formation of their child.
We have found the most successful participation of a Parent or Guardian in the Children’s Faith Formation Program is accomplished though successful communication. To successfully accomplish and sustain this communication the Parish of St. Theresa provides the following:
Religious Education Folders:
Every student enrolled the Parish of St. Theresa Children’s Faith Formation Program is given a “Religious Education Folder” at the beginning of the academic year.
Included in the “Religious Education Folder” are:
(1) All weekly communication from the student’s catechist
(2) All weekly communication from the Director of Religious Education
(3) A Class Calendar indicating the specific material to be covered each week in the student’s Religious Education Class as well as the homework assignments which pertain to that session
It is the Parent’s or Guardian’s responsibility to check the “Religious Education Folder” each week for the above and any other information pertaining to the student.
The Parish Bulletin:
The Parish of St. Theresa distributes a Parish Bulletin every weekend following all the Masses. The Administration of the Parish of St. Theresa has found the Parish Bulletin to be the most successful medium to inform the Parish Community of events and information pertinent to the Parish of St. Theresa, the local community, Diocese of Trenton and the Catholic Church.
The Parish Bulletin includes a Parish Calendar as well a section exclusively dealing with matters concerning the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program.
The Parish Website:
The Parish of St. Theresa website is All pertinent information concerning the Parish of St. Theresa is posted on this website including a links to information specific to the Parish of St. Theresa Religious Education Program.