The Parish of St. Theresa is committed to offering Catholic children the finest Religious Education possible while always focusing on each child’s loving and personal relationship with God.
The Religious Education Program of the Parish of St. Theresa is a Faith Formation process in which our teachers (Catechist) and Parish Administration will nurture the seeds of faith planted within the family.
In doing so the Parish of St. Theresa anticipates each child maturing in their knowledge of their Catholic Faith and understanding of Catholic Discipleship.
Together with the family, the Parish of St. Theresa will journey with each child as they develop into good Catholic Christians whose lives are filled with acts of love, worship and service to God and his Church.
Children’s Faith Formation Office Hours:
Sunday: 8:30am -1:00pm
Monday: 9:00am - 8:00pm (Closed mid-day for lunch)
Tuesday thru Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm (Closed mid-day for lunch)
Closed Friday and Saturday
Children’s Faith Formation Class Times:
Sunday: 10am - 11:15am (Grades Pre-school through 8)
To Contact us:
Parish of St. Theresa
Office of Children’s Faith Formation
450 Radio Road Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087
Mrs. DonnaAnn Powers Director of Religious Education
For an appointment call: 609-296-2504 EX: 224