The Sacrament of Matrimony requires a time of spiritual preparation. A couple approaching the Sacrament of Marriage are required to meet with a parish Priest or Deacon 3 times prior to the Sacrament and attend a Pre-Cana Conference. Arrangements for the Sacrament of Marriage should be made at least one year in advance by contacting the Parish Administrative Offices.
While the Sacrament of Marriage is a lasting bond or covenant between a man, a woman and God, the Church recognizes that there are fundamental flaws which can cause a marriage to fail. When all attempts to resolve the difficulties of a marriage have failed the normal resolution in today’s society is a civil divorce between the man and woman.
The Church understands the significance of a civil divorce however a civil divorce does not dissolve the bond made in the Sacrament of Marriage. This can only be done by the Roman Catholic Church proclaiming that the Sacrament was not entered into properly and is therefore nullified of Sacramental merit.
Any divorced person who has entered into another civil marriage without a declaration of Annulment is committing a mortal sin. To that end the Parish of St. Theresa offers an Annulment Advocacy to help guide a Roman Catholic through the process of Annulment. If you would like to discuss your marital status with a priest or deacon please contact the Parish Administrative Office.
The parish community of St. Theresa is served by men who have been ordained to the Order of the Diaconate and the Order of Priesthood for service in the Diocese of Trenton. These men, along with men vowed to religious communities, work with many lay ministers (full and part-time) to assist in serving the spiritual and physical needs of our parishioners.
Anyone wishing to explore the possibility of becoming deacon, priest (diocesan or religious), a religious sister or brother should contact the Parish Administrative Office