When an engaged couple plans to be married in the Roman Catholic Church, the Church requires them to take part in a marriage preparation program known as Pre-Cana. Pre-Cana classes prepare engaged Catholic couples for marriage by presenting a variety of topics for reflection and discussion.
Pre-Cana classes are typically led by married couples from the parish who volunteer for the duty. These couples are trained by the Diocese and present information about everything from what it means to receive the sacrament (or rite) of marriage to sexuality, money management, conflict resolution, natural family planning and other topics involving faith and day-to-day living.
The goals of Pre-Cana include both helping the couple understand how to keep their faith at the center of their marriage and preparing them for the ups and downs of marriage to keep it strong over time. The Catholic Church requires all couples who are to be married in the Catholic Church to attend a Pre-Cana Session.
Pre-Cana sessions are held twice a year here at the Faith Formation Center. You must register for these sessions on the Diocesan Website:www.dioceseoftrenton.org. We encourage you to register early as these sessions fill up fast.